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Read and Discuss: Mama Zooms

Mama’s wheelchair zooms everywhere. 


  • Mama Zooms by Jane Cowen-Fletcher

Science Concepts

  • A ramp is a surface with one end higher than the other.
  • Both rolling and sliding objects move faster down steeper inclines.


Before you read: Show children the cover, and read the title and author’s name. Ask, What do you notice about the cover? What do you think the boy and his mother might be doing? Tell children, Let’s read to find out what this mother and son do to zoom all around.

As you read: Pause on the page about ramps. Ask, Why do you think that the boy and his mama love ramps? What’s different about zooming down the ramp and zooming across the lawn?

After you read: Ask, What is it that this boy and his mama use to zoom all around? Why is the wheelchair a fun thing to zoom in? What do you think happened after daddy left them at the top of the very steep hill? How does this remind you of what happened to Samantha in Samantha on a Roll