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Watch and Discuss: Down They Go

Children roll things down a hill to see what goes the fastest and the farthest. 


  • Down They Go (video)

Key Science Concepts

  • The shape of an object affects whether it will roll or slide or stay put.
  • The motion and speed of a rolling or sliding object is affected by the shape and texture of the object and the texture of the surface on which it is rolling or sliding.


Before you watch: Tell children that they will watch a video in which a group of children try rolling different objects down a hill.

After you watch: Ask:

  • What were some of the things that the children tried to roll down the hill? What rolled easily? What didn’t? Why do you think some things rolled well and others didn’t?
  • What other surface do the children try rolling things down? How was that different than the grassy hill?   

Watch again: Watch the video a second time. Pause the video so children can add objects to the “Slide, Roll, Stay in Place” chart.