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Share the Discoveries from Explore Sound

Review the main science themes you’ve covered and revisit the charts you’ve created together.


Revisit the main charts you used over the course of the three-week curriculum, asking:

Our Ideas About Sound

  • If you wanted to listen carefully to different sounds, what would be a good way to do it?
  • What sounds did you hear that you might have missed hearing if you hadn’t been so quiet?
  • What are some times when you like being quiet?

“Volume: Loud/Soft” and “Pitch: High/Low,”

  •  Is there a way to make a quiet sound louder? How?
  • What about making a loud sound quieter—how could you do that?
  • What are some of your favorite loud sounds? What about some of your favorite quiet sounds?
  • Ask children to imitate some high and low sounds, and to name some examples of each. Do they like high sounds, low sounds, or both? Why?
  • What are some of the loud, soft, high, and low sounds you’ve heard in your neighborhood?


  • Go over the names of some instruments, what they sound like, and how they make sound.
  • Were there any instruments that vibrated? Describe how the vibrations sounded.
  • Are there any instruments that you think are especially good for making rhythms?
  • You chose one instrument to play in the orchestra. Why did you choose it and what do you like about it?

Music and Feelings

  • What are some of the different feelings that music can create?
  • How does slow music make you feel? What about fast music? What about music with a strong rhythm?
  • Display some of the artwork children created while listening to music, and ask, What kind of feelings were you experiencing when you listened to music and painted these pictures?

Finish your exploration of sound by playing the recording of the Children’s Orchestra.