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Share the Day’s Discoveries

Review today’s activities and create a new chart.


Review and add to the “Loud/Soft” and “High/Low” charts. Create another chart with “Favorite/Least Favorite” sounds. Ask children about loud sounds: Which are your favorites? Which ones don’t you like? What do you/don’t you like about them? What about soft or quiet soundswhich are your favorites? Which ones don’t you like? What do you like or dislike about them? What about high/low sounds?

Ask children about their experiences in their own neighborhoods. Is it noisy sometimes? What kinds of sounds do you hear? If it’s noisy, is it noisy all the time, or just during certain parts of the day? When do you think it’s quiet?

Hold up Max Has Two Sticks, which you read the week before. Ask, Where does this story take place? Flip through the pages and ask children to compare the sounds in City Lullaby. Ask, do you think all cities sound the same or do some sound different? Why do you think that?